Alchemie Technology Ltd

Alchemie is developing cleantech manufacturing solutions using our unique digital materials fabrication technologies for the textiles industry.

Alchemie Technology is delivering the next generation of inkjet inspired digital manufacturing technologies to enable industries of the future.

Our digital materials science platform can utilise liquids, solids and powders to both build unique new products and deliver current products with less energy and materials. Our manufacturing processes are designed for Industry 4.0 and are delivering a paradigm shift in manufacturing flexibility and productivity.

Our technologies are being adopted by diverse industries ranging from textiles, construction materials and electronics to foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

The key benefits of the technology are:

  1. Creation of unique new product structures based on digitally controlled three dimensional placement of liquids, solids and powders
  2. Software-defined instant changeovers with higher productivity processes and radical reduction in waste and cost
  3. Customisation and personalisation delivered at zero cost

To find out more just email: and we will be pleased to introduce you to the technologies that are enabling the future of manufacturing.

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